Day 3, Dec. 8th

8:40 - 9:20Keynote Speaker: Prof. Q. J. Zhang. “AI and Machine Learning for Microwaves - Past, Present and Future Trends”

FM1S7: CAD Techniques for RF and Microwave Engineering

9:20   - 9:40FM1S7-1: Neural network learning techniques comparison for a multi physics second-order low-pass filterJorge Dávalos-Guzmán1, Jose L. Chavez-Hurtado2, and Zabdiel Brito-Brito31Intel Corporation 2ITESO-The Jesuit University of Guadalajara, 3Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de CatalunyaMexico/ Spain
9:40 - 10:00FM1S7-2: PCIe Gen6 Physical Layer Equalization Tuning by Using Unsupervised Machine Learning TechniquesFrancisco E. Rangel-Patiño1,2, Andres Viveros-Wacher1, Sofia D. Rodriguez-Saenz1, José E. Rayas-Sanchéz2, Edgar A. Vega-Ochoa1, and Hemanth Shival11Intel Corporation, 2ITESO-The Jesuit University of GuadalajaraMexico/ United States of America
10:00 - 10:20FM1S7-3: Space Sampling Techniques Comparison for a Synthetic Low-Pass Filter Bayesian Neural NetworkJorge Dávalos-Guzmán1, Jose L. Chavez-Hurtado2, Zabdiel Brito-Brito3, and Katrin A. Orstein41Intel Corporation, 2ITESO-The Jesuit University of Guadalajara, 3Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, 4Fraunhofer IIS/EASMexico/ United States of America/ Germany/ Spain
10:20 - 10:40FM1S7-4: PCB Auto Routing Algorithm Based on Morphological OperationsLuis Carlos Álvarez-Mata and Juan Carlos Rojas-FernándezIntel Corporation / Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, and Texas Tech UniversityCosta Rica
10:40 -
Coffee Break, Industrial Exhibition

FM2S8: Active and Passive Antennas II

11:10 - 11:30FM2S8-1: Multilayer Manufactured X-Band Electromagnetic Coupling Structure for Detachable Wireless Antenna FeedBlake Roberts, Eduardo A Rojas-NastrucciEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityUnited States of America
11:30 - 11:50FM2S8-2: Construction and Design of a 3.5 GHz Multi-Beam Antenna using Butler NetworkJorge Sosa-Pedroza, Fabiola Martínez Zúñiga, Daniel Juárez-Rodríguez, and Alejandro Trejo-LeónEscuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Zacatenco (ESIME-IPN)Mexico
11:50 - 12:10FM2S8-3: Application of a Corner Reflector to Reduce the Dispersion of the OAM Beam of a Compact AntennaT. A. C. Barros1, G. Fontgalland1, F. L. Teixeira2, P. H. F. Silva3, and P. C. Assis41Federal University of Campina Grande, 2The Ohio State University, 3Federal Institute of Paraiba, 4Universidade Estadual da ParaibaBrazil/ United States of America
12:10 - 12:30FM2S8-4: Operation of Rigid-Flex 3-D Printed Microwave Antennas for UWB Radar Under Thermal and Vibration Stress ConditionsF. Rodriguez-Morales1, V. Occhiogrosso1, B. Scarbrough1, E. Arnold1, V. Gjokaj2, J. Albrecht2, J. Papapolymerou3 and P. Chabal21University of Kansas, 2Michigan State UniversityUnited States of America

THM2S5: Active Devices, Circuits and Measurement Systems

12:30 -
Invited Speaker:
Dr. George E. Ponchak “How to Write a Paper for IEEE MTT-S Journals and Navigate the Review Process”
13:00 -
14:30 -
Industry Panel:
“Challenges and Opportunities on Microwave-related Industrial Applications in   Latin America”
15:10 -
MLVC: Multilingual Video Competition (30 min). Industrial Exhibition
Closing Remarks and WIM+YP Reception