R9 Graduate Student Sponsorship

The IEEE MTT-S Education Committee has approved the implementation of a Region 9 Graduate Student Sponsorship to encourage the participation of graduate students from Latin America in LAMC-2025. The Region 9 Graduate Student Sponsorship provides partial financial support to attend LAMC only to graduate students officially registered in a master's or doctoral program offered by a university or research institute located in Latin America who are also MTT-S members.

Selection Criteria

The selection committee of the 2025 Region 9 Graduate Student Initiative will apply the following priority criteria to evaluate the application of each qualifying student requesting this support:

1. Graduate student who is the first author of a LAMC paper accepted for oral presentation.

2. Graduate student who is the first author of a LAMC paper accepted for a poster presentation.

3. Graduate student who is a co-author of a LAMC paper accepted for oral presentation.

4. Graduate student who is a co-author of a LAMC paper accepted for a poster presentation.

5. Graduate student who is just attending LAMC.

In the application form fields (next page), for selected types 1, 2, 3 or 4, you must specify the paper or poster information.
If type 5 is selected, it is not necessary to fill in paper/poster information.

Conditions for Reimbursement

We will request all sponsored students to submit, after the conference, a one-page report describing the most interesting technical or professional aspects they learned during LAMC-2025, as well as their overall impression or comments about the conference.

The amount of financial support will be evaluated for each candidate; it will be around US$700 (it might be more depending on the total amount of applications received). Reimbursement will be done upon presentation of the corresponding receipts for the dates of the conference plus one extra day before and after, that is: January 21-25, 2025. The reimbursement will be done after the conference and approximately one month after the sponsored graduated student makes his/hers expense report through the IEEE Concur.

If you want to apply for this R9 Graduate Student Sponsorship, please complete next application form and send it by e-mail in pdf format to the Evaluation Committee Chair: Ana Valeria González (valy.mx@ieee.org), with copy to LAMC-2025 General Vice-Chair, Prof. Leyda León (leyda.leon@upr.edu) and LAMC-2025 Financial Chair, Prof. Rafael Medina (rafael.medina1@upr.edu), by the following application deadline: October 18, 2024.